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Community Service & Education

We volunteer our time and donate our resources to support community organizations.

October 2022

We are happy to sponsor the Tanger Fit 5K hosted by the Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition. Funds raised from this event go towards prevention, research, education, patient services and support for those with breast and gynecological cancer.

August 2022

We are excited to be sponsoring The Bob Formica Golf Outing, hosted by Gotham City Networking. All profits from this tournament will be donated to the Gotham Foundation, which raises money for worthy causes.

July 2022

We are always happy to support The Theresa Foundation’s annual “Swingin’ Fore Theresa” golf outing. Funds raised by The Theresa Foundation support programs for children with special needs in dance, art, music and recreation.

June 2022

We are proud to be a Community Sponsor for Long Island Pride 2022, produced by LGBT Network—a non-profit organization that is a home and voice for LGBT people, their families, and support systems in Long Island and Queens.

December 2021

We are proud to be sponsoring The Safe Center LI’s annual event, Winterfest 2021. This event supports programs and services for adult and child victims of abuse.

November 2021

We are more than happy to donate to The CP Nassau 5K Walk. Funds raised by The Theresa Foundation support programs for children with special needs in dance, art, music and recreation.

October 2021

We are glad to make a donation to the WE CARE Thanksgiving Drive, hosted by the Nassau County Bar Association. This drive provides boxed turkey dinners to families in need throughout Nassau County.

August 2021

We are always glad to make a donation to The Theresa Foundation. Funds raised by The Theresa Foundation support programs for children with special needs in dance, art, music and recreation.

July 2021

We are more than happy to donate school supplies for the Long Island Coalition for the Homeless’ s annual Supply Our Students Drive. This drive aims to supply over 5,000 school supplies to homeless and in-need children on Long Island.

June 2021

Participating in “Swingin’ Fore Theresa Golf Outing” is always a summer highlight. Funds raised by The Theresa Foundation support programs for children with special needs in dance, art, music and recreation.