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Here is a list of some of the thousands of verdicts and settlements won for our clients. While many cases are settled, if your case must be tried to a verdict, no one will be better prepared to do so than Pegalis Law Group. The goal is a financial recovery that is adequate (whether by settlement or verdict) and for your peace of mind that justice has been served.

Some of our verdicts:

$116 million verdict for infant who sustained brain damage and cerebral palsy due to medical malpractice during a breech birth. Patel v. NYC Health & Hospitals (Queens)
$114.8 million verdict for a 28 year-old woman who sustained anoxic brain injury due to respiratory arrest during an emergency tracheotomy. McCord v. St. Mary’s Hospital of Brooklyn (Kings)
$111.7 million verdict for a 6 year old who sustained brain damage and cerebral palsy because of placental insufficiency. Reden v. Wagner (Suffolk).
$35 million verdict for infant who sustained brain damage and cerebral palsy due to a failure to diagnose and treat preeclampsia (high blood pressure) during pregnancy. Lopez v. NYC Health Hospitals (Queens).
$20 million verdict for a premature infant who sustained brain damage and cerebral palsy related to complications during pregnancy. Chiccino v. Pennsylvania Hospital (Pennsylvania).
$17.5 million verdict for a woman whose transplanted pancreas was injured during surgery Schenk v. Strong Memorial Hospital (Erie County, New York)
$15.1 million verdict for the death of a 38 year-old woman due to a failure to timely interpret and act on PAP smear data, resulting in a delay in diagnosis of cervical cancer. Pedone v. Metpath (Nassau).
$15 million verdict for a delay in diagnosis of breast cancer in a 40 year-old woman. Tesorio V. Fischer (Suffolk)
$11.5 million verdict for a 53-year-old woman who sustained amputation of both legs due to a failure to timely diagnose peripheral vascular disease. Walker v. Zdanowitz (Brooklyn).
$10 million verdict for infant who sustained brain damage and cerebral palsy as a result of a failure to perform a timely Cesarean-section, in spite of fetal distress. McGuire v. Goldstein (Nassau).
$9 million verdict for infant who sustained brain damage and cerebral palsy due to a failure to act on prenatal abnormalities. Weinstock v. Huntington Hospital (Suffolk)
$8 million verdict for infant who sustained brain damage due to a pediatric failure to diagnose and treat hydrocephalus. Jenkins v. Jamaica Hospital (Queens)
$6 million verdict for a girl who sustained nerve damage (brachial plexus palsy) which is an Erb’s Palsy injury, during a traumatic birth process. Ajayi v. Maimonides Medical Center (Brooklyn).
$6.1 million verdict for infant who had a lack of oxygen in utero and suffered brain damage and cerebral palsy. Doctors failed to act upon signs of fetal distress and waited two days to perform an emergency Cesarean-section. Dame v. Adkins (North Carolina).
$5.3 million verdict for infant whose head was severely compressed during labor causing a lack of blood flow resulting in brain damage and cerebral palsy. Doctors failed to properly monitor labor and delivery, and perform a timely Cesarean-section. Buckhout v. Turner (Suffolk)
$4.7 million dollar jury verdict for our client, a victim of medical negligence and lack of informed consent (Nassau County).
$3.6 million verdict for an infant who sustained an Erb’s Palsy injury (brachial plexus palsy) as a result of a traumatic birth. Segovia v. Our Lady of Mercy Medical Center (Bronx)
$3.2 million verdict for infant born prematurely who suffered brain damage, after the mother experienced a ruptured membrane at 34 weeks into pregnancy and doctors failed to properly monitor for signs of chorioamnionitis (infection). When Cesarean-section finally performed, the baby had already suffered brain damage. Craig v. Steingraeber (Wisconsin).
$1.45 million verdict in favor of a 52-year-old wife and mother. The doctor failed to perform a simple blood test to evaluate her kidney function, before giving her an injection of Reclast. The doctor's failure to take this simple safety check caused her to go into kidney failure. This led to the untimely death of our client.
$815,000 verdict for our client, a sixty-four year old man, who sustained a heart attack because his doctor improperly placed a heart stent. The case was Prechtl verses Dr. Ralph Caselnova and the Amityville Heart Group, and was heard in Nassau County Supreme Court, NY.