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Raising Awareness about Testicular Cancer

September 15, 2016 R

September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and the goal is not just to raise awareness about prostate cancer, but men’s health issues overall. One type of cancer that is easily overlooked by the community is testicular cancer. Fortunately, testicular cancer is one of the most treatable and curable cancers. But, as with all cancers, it is easier to treat and cure when it is caught in its early stages—and medical negligence or medical malpractice can delay a diagnosis, resulting in costlier treatment and unfortunately, poorer outcomes. Here are some important facts you should know.

Risk Factors
or testicular cancer, though it is possible to get the disease without having any of these risks. Age is a significant risk factor; testicular cancer affects younger men (ages 15-35), although it may occur later in life as well. Men whose family members have had testicular cancer are also more at risk. Conditions that interfere with normal testicular development or an undescended testicle have also been linked to testicular cancer.

Symptoms of testicular cancer are generally mild and easy to miss. Some of the main symptoms are dull pain in the back, groin, or abdomen. The scrotum may be enlarged, and a lump may be present. Sometimes the scrotum may feel “heavy.” It is important to see your doctor if these symptoms persist longer than two weeks. If your doctor suspects cancer, he or she will likely order an ultrasound and blood test.

Depending the stage, testicular cancer can be treated with chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, and you and your doctor will be able to decide which treatment is best for your situation. Your doctor should inform you of all of your options and review the potential risks and side effects of each treatment with you.

If you’re concerned about medical negligence in Long Island, New York, let Pegalis Law Group, LLC fight for your rights. Talk to a medical malpractice attorney today by calling (516) 684-2900.