Do you know where your Brachial Plexus Is?
Every time you bend your wrist, raise your hand, or shrug your shoulders, you’re making use of your brachial plexus, a bundle of nerves centered in your spinal cord. The brachial plexus is responsible for controlling the movement of your entire arm! If a doctor or mid-wife uses force or twists a baby’s head during labor and delivery, it can result in injury to the baby’s nerves and chronic arm paralysis. This condition is known as Erb’s Palsy or Brachial Plexus palsy. While some children will make a full recovery as toddlers, other children move into their teens and adulthood not being able to enjoy full use of that arm. The condition will then continue through their lifetime. Treating Erb’s Palsy as soon as diagnosed can include a combination of physical therapy and nerve grafts. That often leads to a better lifetime outcome.
If you wonder if your child’s disability could be the result of a medical error, it’s important that you talk with an experienced medical malpractice attorney. Pegalis Law Group, LLC, can provide you with the professional legal guidance you require, at no charge. To reach our New York office, call us at (516) 684-2900. ATTORNEY ADVERTISING