Cervical Cancer: Misdiagnosis and Failed Detection
Cervical cancer is a deadly disease that is best treated as soon as possible. In fact, routine health screenings allow providers to detect pre-cancerous changes that can be treated before cervical cancer develops. Unfortunately, medical malpractice affects all healthcare specialties, including gynecology and oncology. If you were misdiagnosed or you lost a loved one to cervical cancer, consider talking to medical negligence lawyers about your potential case.
The Types of Medical Errors
Doctors have a responsibility to preserve and improve the health of their patients, but they are susceptible to making a wide range of medical mistakes. For example, a doctor may fail to thoroughly review a patient’s risk factors for cervical cancer. This can result in improperly recommending that the patient delay cervical cancer screenings. When a Pap test is performed, a doctor may misinterpret or even misplace the results. Other medical mistakes include failing to refer patients to an appropriate specialist, failing to coordinate medical care across different providers, and failing to identify the early signs of cervical cancer.
The Consequences of Misdiagnosis
When cervical cancer is not detected in its pre-cancerous or early stages, the results can be devastating. When left unchecked, the cancer can grow and spread beyond its point of origin. This means that when it is finally diagnosed correctly, the cancer will be more difficult to treat, will require more invasive treatments, and is more likely to be fatal. If a patient’s cervical cancer is initially diagnosed as being a different medical problem, additional consequences can occur. For example, the patient may be prescribed inappropriate medications or undergo other improper treatments that may do more harm than good.
Pegalis Law Group, LLC, a malpractice law firm in Long Island, New York, extends our deepest sympathies to families who have lost a loved one to cervical cancer and to patients who have been diagnosed with it. If you feel that your health may have been compromised by an act of medical malpractice, please contact us promptly at (516) 684-2900. Our dedicated legal team will help you understand your legal rights.